General Information:
Act 132: Home Contractor Registration
As of July 1, 2009, consumers in Pennsylvania will be able to verify your registration with the Attorney General’s Office. Click here to register with the Attorney General’s Office.
Information from the Zoning Department:
Property Maintenance:
During the course of the year, especially as the growing season begins, our Township receives complaints regarding lack of property maintenance and uncut grass complaints. It is important to note that Upper Milford Township has neither a property maintenance code nor a grass / weed ordinance at present. We do, however, attempt to elicit voluntary cooperation from residents to adequately address these complaints without any actual enforcement action, and have had great success in most cases utilizing this method.
We are receiving more complaints about pets, particularly dogs and cats, roaming and depositing waste on another’s property, particularly Township park property which exists for the enjoyment of all residents and their guests. Please act responsibly regarding your pet(s) with due consideration for other property areas. Besides the fact we want everyone to be a good neighbor, pet owner responsibility is the law! This goes for excessively barking dogs as well. Please remember to keep your pets, particularly dogs and cats, under control on your property. Roaming animals that deposit waste randomly are not appreciated. Those who love their pets will understand that such activity is not good for their beloved pets, either. Please help by exercising better supervision of pets!
Yard Waste Recycling
Fall is generally considered an active cleanup time, particularly as our area is inundated by leaves. Be a good neighbor and responsible property owner through proper collection and disposal of leaves. The leaves should not be blown onto another’s property nor should they be deposited onto any roadway.
Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater runoff as well as water-flow problems in general plague the Township. Please remember that management of stormwater runoff is permitted and encouraged; however, it needs to be effected a certain way. Natural methods of stormwater runoff management are encouraged; and much information exists regarding these methods and their application. Prior to initiation of any drainage, pipe placement or water diversion projects you must notify the Township with a plan and proposal including a site plan (detailed drawing) of the proposed project prior to the start of work. Please contact the Township Office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. for consultation and the Lehigh County Conservation District is also available for advice and information (610) 391-9583. Always remember to call first!
Vegetation / Tree Trimming
Autumn is an excellent time to get trimming of trees and other vegetation accomplished. Branches and plant matter extending out into the space of the roadway area must be trimmed back. Vegetation extending into roadway travel space is hazardous as well as damaging to passing vehicles. Please consult the sketch for particulars. Please help us fix this problem by studying the sketch and addressing such problems, should they exist at your property.
Quality of Life
We are all concerned with the quality of life in Upper Milford Township. Good quality of life begins with consideration for your neighbors regarding noise, odor and dirt issues, aesthetics, and property rights issues. Courtesy and decency go a long way towards maintaining the quality of life here in Upper Milford Township. Working together and being mindful of zoning laws and all ordinances of the Township will perpetuate the fine quality of life that exists in Upper Milford Township.
Open Burning
Open burning is permitted, though limited to residential users in the Township and subject to provisions and conditions. If you are unsure as to what burning is permitted and how, please obtain a copy of the Burning Ordinance No. 97 and amendment No. 107 (available at the Township Office and on our website). A reminder that the Lehigh County Communication Center needs to be called prior to a burn and when it is extinguished and that number is (610) 437-5252.
Another reminder about permits: most any activity, addition or change to your property, with the exception of routine maintenance and some landscaping, will require a permit. Here in Upper Milford Township we are no different from most other jurisdictions in this regard. Upper Milford Township is a zoned community! Please check with the Township when contemplating any activity, project, improvement or change on your property to see what (if any) permit is required. A hearty “Thank You” from the Zoning Department. Finally, a general word about permits. Most any activity, addition or changes to your property, with the exception of routine maintenance and some landscaping, will require a permit. Here in Upper Milford Township we are no different from most other jurisdictions in this regard. Please check with the Township when contemplating any activity, project, improvement or change on your property to see what (if any) permit is required.